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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Borneo Skin Moisturizing Virgin Coconut Oil

The small molecule structure of virgin Coconut Oil allows easy penetration through the skin,  giving it soft, youthful glow texture. It's an ideal ointment for relief of dry, rough and wrinkled skin.
-Prevent Age-spot, Wrinkles and Sagging Skin.

It can be apply onto hair for a silky radiant shine, as it softens the hair and conditions the scalp at the same time
- Moisture Hair, Fewer Split End and Brittle Hair.

Can  be used as Massage Oil.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I am from KL & I was in KK & bought the skin moisturizing coconut oil
    and now wants to buy more bottles. Can i get it in Kl & where can I get it. Thks.
