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Saturday, January 5, 2013


Why Virgin Coconut Oil is better as compared to any other edible oil?

Fat is actually a valuable part in one's diet.  Our body required fat in order to metabolize the absorption of nutrients.

Virgin  Coconut Oil is plant fat-based,  50% of the fatty acids in the virgin coconut oil is medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). Lauric acids is touted as being anti-viral,  anti-fungus and anti-bacterial,  it is regarded as "functional food", it is easily absorbed in our body digestives systems, therefore it is the most suitable edible oil.

Why medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) good?
Why our body needs it?

▶ Increase metabolism and prevent Obesity.
Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) penetrate cell membranes more quickly than long-chain fatty acids without the needs for special enzyme. The MCFA are directly to the Liver, without circulating through the blood stream like other fats where it is immediately converted into energy instead of being stored as body fat.

▶ Increase Immunity System
Our body transform the high concentration of Lauric acid in Virgin Coconut Oil into monolaurin. Monolaurin is a Lauric acid that is found naturally in breast milk,  it is an immune boosting anti-viral, anti-bacterial which our body uses to destroy viruses.

▶ Reduce Cholesterol, Prevent High Blood Pressure, Cancer, Stroke,  Heart Disease and many other degenerative diseases.
Virgin Coconut Oil can lower Cholesterol as a direct result of its ability to stimulate the thyroid.  When sufficient thyroid hormone present I  our body,  the cholesterol is converted by enzymes into steroids to prevent heart disease,  obesity, cancer, coronary disease and many other degenerative diseases.

▶ Hair Tonic, Moisturize Hair,  Reduce Dandruff, Fewer Split Ends & Less Brittles Hair.
Other health benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil includes skin and hair care. The low molecule weight in Virgin Coconut Oil can penetrate the hair shaft easily,  as a result it can condition the hair and reduced protein loss.

▶Antioxidant Moisturizing Skin Oil, PreventAge Spot,  Wrinkles and Sagging Skin.
Virgin Coconut Oil antioxidant properties fights damaging free radicals in the skin. Free radicals are chemical particles that cause age spot, wrinkles and Sagging skin. Virgin Coconut Oil, when applied topically, reduces the production of these free radicals by penetrating the skin and creating a protective barrier against them.

▶ Heal cuts, Burns, Sun Burn
Virgin Coconut Oil is also used to promote healing, due to its ant-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungus.  When applied to infection,  the oil creates a chemical layer that protect from external irritants such as dust and bacteria. It also known to expedite the repairing of damaged cell and tissue.


  1. Hello,
    I want to know how much does "Borneo virgin coconut oil" cost ?
    And, I want to know can the product sent to Taiwan ?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Is there any Hong Kong dealer for the Borneo Virgin coconut oil?

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